Sunday, July 28, 2013

0 The deadly milk

Yashoda mata made Sri Krishna Drink the best milk from Padma cow & her own milk & there was a demon named Putna who wanted to kill Sri Krishna with her poisoned milk same like the breed named Jersey introduced within our Society who is not 
a cow, but desi cow look-a-like, whose milk is poison for us same like Putnas milk. Putna was send by Kamsa & Jersey is send by Yewanas/British from other country within our Vedic Society to kill us.

The reason for our Food getting corrupted, Water is polluted, Air is polluted, People are corrupted, Love is corrupted, Government is corrupted, Relationships are corrupted, Mind is corrupted. All these happened after we started killing our own mother Cow & started drinking poison milk/Jersey milk. Poison would definitely corrupt our minds & with such corrupt mind everything related to us, others, our country would start getting corrupted. The only way to live a pure life is by saving mother cow from those demons who kill our mother for the sake of taste, medicines (made from her blood), cosmetics & food products (made from her bones), leather etc. The situation has become worst after the first slaughter house which was introduced by the British, Robert Clive – the so called Founder of the British Empire in Bharata - on entering bharata he was astonished and amazed to see the success of the agricultural system here. He went on researching the reasons for the success of the Indian agriculture and discovered the root – The Holy Bhartiya Cow. The entire hindu life style revolved around this holy cow, not just religiously, but socially. Cow was an integral part of a Hindu family as was any other human member in the family. He even found that in many places the total number of cattle was more than the number of humans living there. Till 1760 most of bharata had banned not only cow slaughter, but also prostitution and drinking wine. Robert Clive made all three legal and removed the ban. Since 1947 the number has increased from 350 to 36,000 slaughter houses. When Millions of mother cows were been slaughter the British transported Jersey animal to breed with Bhartiya desi cow, Now there are 3 categories - Pure Jersey animal, Pure Bhartiya Desi cows with different desi breeds & a mix breed of Jersey & desi cow.

Jersey is an animal & not mother, jersey's milk already proven as poison in many foreign countries but Bhartiya people are getting more & more jersey in greed of more milk to earn more money.

Read Robert Cohen's book - Milk The deadly Poison, proves how Jersey's milk is harmful for us but the Government is hiding these facts from the public to earn profits from dairy farms, Beef, leather etc. 



There is a country who passed a bill to kill Jersey bread from their country but the corrupt politics didn't allow this to happen.
All the major disease were introduced after jersey came in Bharata, desi cow dairy products had the capability to fight the worst bacteria. For ex. Aids, Cancer etc & such disease were not much known in Bharata but after people started drinking jersey milk the body immunity to fight such disease came to an end & this is spreading rapidly day by day with more number of disease.

Save mother cow & mother would save our country.


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