Tuesday, July 30, 2013



 In the 4th century B. C. E., Megasthenes the Greek ambassador to the court of Chandragupta Maurya said, “the Sourasenoi (Surasena), who lived in the region of Mathura worshipped Herakles.” This Herakles is usually identified with Krishna (Hari-Kula-Eesha, Lord of Hari Kulam). The word Kulam means family or clan. Somewhere along the way the identity of Vaasudeva merged with that of Krishna.

Monday, July 29, 2013

0 What is Hell ??

Hell is described with details in many scriptures. Shrimad Bhagwatam Chanto 3 - Kapil Bhagwan & mata Devhuti prasang, Few chapters of Garud puran contains minute details about hells. According to Brahma Sahita there are 14 lokas within our Universe, 7 heavens & 7 lower planets or hellish planet but those 7 lower planets are very beautifull, few are more beautiful then the heavenly planets, e.g Sutal-loka, where Mahabhagwad Maharaj Bali resides after Bhagwan Vamana took away everything from him, his loka is more richer than Swargaloka where even Bhagwan MahaVishnu resides, lower planets are been constructed by a Demon architecture named Maidanav, who got skills & maya powers more than Devtas & with such powers he constructs magical& beautiful palace& one of his work was done at the time of Mahabharata named Indraprast for Pandavas which was once a part of Delhi, out of these 14 planets Earth resides in the middle as if its been located on the floor between 7th heavenly planet & above 8th planet or above 1st lower/hellish planet, within those 7 hells beneath is the Narakloka. There are around 2100 department in Narkloka where punishment is been given according to the sin committed by the person.
Qualification to become a Yamdutta
Committing sin for 100 life spans, when a person is send to hell for 100 life spans he knows about every department where he was been tortured & now he is qualified to become a Yamdutta.

Journey to hell.



“It is 100 yojana spacious, 25 yojanas in height, made of number of windows decorated by colorful flags, pearl and gem hangers, flower and auspicious leaf thranas. 
There inside the palace is a decorated Divya mandap always echoing with dance and music recitals. 
There Yamaduth can be seen with folded hands standing in one side and another side many kinds of diseases can be seen in there scary, grotesque forms. 
In the center Yama dharma raja will be seen seated in a happy demonur but in a fiery form, which will scare anyone who sees him. 
Close to it is Chitragupta’s palace, which is about 25 yojana in length and breadth and 10 yojanas in height. It can also be seen as very ornamental decorated by pearls, gems and gold. There in a Divya mandap Chitragupta can be seen seated. He will be seen writing the account of papa/sin and punyas/good deeds of all jivas meticulously with out leaving any detail. There wont be any mistake in the accounts written by Chitra gupta. 

In the east of Chitragupta’s palace will be the graha (house) of the fever disease, in south is found graha of sala and vichari disease, west side will be found graha of indigestion, north side will be found the graha of stomach ache, southeast will be the graha of fainting, south west is found the graha of adchari disease, north east will be the graha of hysteria. 
Thus for each disease separate grahas or houses are made. In these houses the diseases wait patiently to get yama’s orders to act on the jiva.
Garuda! In the south of yama’s palace, the papa jivas get tortured by yamakingaras in various ways.”

Who deserves hell? 
The 4 greatest sins mentioned in Shrimad Bhagwatam & these sins are where Kaliyuga resides with maximum power.

1) Intoxication - Alcohol, Cigarettes, Marijuana or any such intoxication which indulge the person in Ignorance.

2) Meat eating- Those who wants to gratify the sense of taste by eating innocent living deserves hellish planet.

3) Illicit sex- Marriage is the purest of all ceremony termed as Dev Vivaha in Sanatan Dharm, physical relationship between partners can only be done after marriage & only with their partners but those who wants to gratify their desire of sex with non partners deserves hell.

4) Gambling- Money earned with Ignorance would always be wasted with ignorance, if someone earns in Gambling or robbery that money can buy bed but no sleep, can buy women but no love, can buy a house but no peace & atlast leads one to hellish planets.

Death - The moment the person dies the soul gets a "YATNADEH" Deh means body, this body is specialized for torching the sinner & such body never dies. After the person life span comes to an end, 2 yamduttas take away the soul of the dead man, soul do not want to leave the material body but its been pulled out forcefully by 2 yamduttas, body is dead but due to little kinetic energy stored & presence of soul the body feels the pain as if 10000 scorpions stinging at once & this can be observed many times when we take any dead person for cremation & their bed or the wooden stretcher turns wet with loo due to fear of watching the cruel yamduttas. Most of the time 2 yamduttas comes to take the sinner & If the person is a very big sinner 3 yamduttas show-up, the logic behind 3 yamdutta is, if on the way 2 are tired abusing & ripping the sinner the 3rd takes in charge.

Now the soul is been given Yatnabody, the worst part of such body is the pain of one slap is as good as the pain of 100 slaps, yatna body makes the pain 100 times more painful, sinner is been tied up with metal ropes liked barbed wire, they are been ripped with a hunter on the way towards hell, to reach hell the road is constructed with thick layers of very hot balu/sand, scorching heat from the top & forest fire on both the sides, they need to walk which seems like running for 99000 yojans (9.3 miles is one yojan) & this distance the yamduttas makes them travel in just few second or a minute (we shouldn’t think from our limited source of material mind out here, should accept whats been mentioned in scripture), the sinner feels the pain as if many years have passed & not yet reached the destination. There are ferocious Dogs with very sharp canine barking at the sinner & Vulture on the way towards hell, this we can even observe when at times dogs barks seeing something invisible (mostly sprits or yamduttas) near our houses because they got this sense to see something the humans eye cant.

The sinner on the way feels thirsty & hungry & now the real torching begins.
If he was a meat eater, he is been forced to remove his own flesh with tools& sometimes the yamduttas removes his flesh& feeds him & even he do not deny because he is dying of hunger, the vultures & dogs rips his intestine & he has to watch all of this happening to himself, LIVE. Somehow he reaches hell.

Meat eater- They are been boiled in an oil pan & later removed & their flesh been ripped by animals, bird name Raurav & yamduttas & he is been forcefully fed with his own flesh, yamtduttas abusing & making him realize that he was a meat eater in his human body.

Intoxication- The persons hands are tied with burning metal chains on the back, & one yamdutta catches the lower jaw with another chain pulling downwards & pours hot burning metal liquid in his mouth& makes him realise he was an Alcoholic in his human body.

Illicit Sex- Male or female is been taken to a room where they see a reddish Golden murti/statue of their opposite sex made of hot burning metal, the sinner denies to come in contact with the statue & the yamduttas forces him tying his hands with chain & standing on back of the statue & pulling him for a relationship forcefully & makes him realise how he/she slept with others in the mode of ignorance.

etc etc etc.....there are many sins & the sinner has to suffer, one agrees or do not, would be known when we leave our material body & deserve for what good/bad we committed.

All hells are controlled by Yamaraj who is son of Sun-God. Yamaraj is brother of Yamuna river being daughter of Sun-God. Yamaraj is ruler of hells. He inflicts punishment to those who violet the commands of penal code of the Almighty Lord. There are 28 hells. They are;- 1. Tamisra 2. Andhatamisra, 3. Raurava, 4. Maha-raurava, 5. Kumbhi - paka, 6. Kaal- Sutra, 7. Asipatra-vana, 8. Sukar -mukha, 9. Andha kupa, 10. Krimi -bhojana, 11. Sandansa, 12. Tapta-surmi, 13. Vajra kantak salmali. 14. Vaitarni, 15. Puyoda, 16. Prananirodha 17. Visasana, 18. Lala-bhaksha, 19. Sarameya-dana, 20. Avichimat, 21. Ayahpaana, 22. Kshara-kardama, 23. Raksho -gan-bhojana, 24. Shul-proto, 25. Danda-
suka , 26. Avata-nirodhana, 27. Paryavartana 28. Suchi-mukha.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

0 The deadly milk

Yashoda mata made Sri Krishna Drink the best milk from Padma cow & her own milk & there was a demon named Putna who wanted to kill Sri Krishna with her poisoned milk same like the breed named Jersey introduced within our Society who is not 
a cow, but desi cow look-a-like, whose milk is poison for us same like Putnas milk. Putna was send by Kamsa & Jersey is send by Yewanas/British from other country within our Vedic Society to kill us.

The reason for our Food getting corrupted, Water is polluted, Air is polluted, People are corrupted, Love is corrupted, Government is corrupted, Relationships are corrupted, Mind is corrupted. All these happened after we started killing our own mother Cow & started drinking poison milk/Jersey milk. Poison would definitely corrupt our minds & with such corrupt mind everything related to us, others, our country would start getting corrupted. The only way to live a pure life is by saving mother cow from those demons who kill our mother for the sake of taste, medicines (made from her blood), cosmetics & food products (made from her bones), leather etc. The situation has become worst after the first slaughter house which was introduced by the British, Robert Clive – the so called Founder of the British Empire in Bharata - on entering bharata he was astonished and amazed to see the success of the agricultural system here. He went on researching the reasons for the success of the Indian agriculture and discovered the root – The Holy Bhartiya Cow. The entire hindu life style revolved around this holy cow, not just religiously, but socially. Cow was an integral part of a Hindu family as was any other human member in the family. He even found that in many places the total number of cattle was more than the number of humans living there. Till 1760 most of bharata had banned not only cow slaughter, but also prostitution and drinking wine. Robert Clive made all three legal and removed the ban. Since 1947 the number has increased from 350 to 36,000 slaughter houses. When Millions of mother cows were been slaughter the British transported Jersey animal to breed with Bhartiya desi cow, Now there are 3 categories - Pure Jersey animal, Pure Bhartiya Desi cows with different desi breeds & a mix breed of Jersey & desi cow.

Jersey is an animal & not mother, jersey's milk already proven as poison in many foreign countries but Bhartiya people are getting more & more jersey in greed of more milk to earn more money.

Read Robert Cohen's book - Milk The deadly Poison, proves how Jersey's milk is harmful for us but the Government is hiding these facts from the public to earn profits from dairy farms, Beef, leather etc. 



There is a country who passed a bill to kill Jersey bread from their country but the corrupt politics didn't allow this to happen.
All the major disease were introduced after jersey came in Bharata, desi cow dairy products had the capability to fight the worst bacteria. For ex. Aids, Cancer etc & such disease were not much known in Bharata but after people started drinking jersey milk the body immunity to fight such disease came to an end & this is spreading rapidly day by day with more number of disease.

Save mother cow & mother would save our country.

Friday, July 26, 2013

0 Lord Krishna worshipped in Egypt?


There are many similarities between the Theban triad of divinities - Amun, Mut and Khonsu - worshipped at Karnak, Egypt and the triad of gods worshipped at Puri, India - Jagannath o
r Krishna, Balaram, and Subhadra.

Both Amun and Krishna are depicted with blue skin colour, with feathers in their head-dress, and with a holy river (Nile / Ganges) emerging from their feet. They are both associated with a falcon/eagle headed deity (Horus / Garuda). Even metaphysically they are identical for they are both regarded as the Supreme Creators, the origin of all the gods, all-pervading and unknowable, protectors of the poor etc.

Khonsu and Balaram are also symbolically equivalent. Khonsu is a warrior-god, and regarded as the "great serpent" who fertilized the cosmic egg at the beginning of creation, while Balaram was also a great warrior who is regarded as an incarnation Ananta-Sesha - the serpent of the cosmic ocean in whose coils Vishnu rests.

Mut and Subhadra are both regarded as manifestations of the supreme mother goddess.

In addition, the Opet Festival of ancient Egypt is identical in form and spirit to the Jagannatha Rath Yatra of India. In the Opet festival, the idols of Amun, Mut and Khonsu were placed on sacred barques (boats), which were carried in a splendid, joyous procession down the Avenue of the Sphinxes from Karnak to Luxor, along the 2 mile road that connects the temples of Karnak and Luxor. The idols rested in Luxor for a period of time and subsequently came back to Karnak, in another procession along the river Nile. Although the Opet festival was initially celebrated over only 11 days, later it was extended to nearly 24 to 27 days.

In the Jagannath Rathayatra, celebrated in Puri after the onset of monsoon, the idols of Krishna (or Jagannath), Balaram and Subhadra are carried in three magnificent chariots pulled by thousands of devotees along the 2 km (1.5 mile) road that connects the Jagannath Temple to the Gundicha Temple. The idols
rest for a period of 7 days at the Gundicha Temple. After this they return back to the Temple of Jagannath, in another joyous, noisy procession known as the Ulta-Rath. The entire celebration, starting from day of Jagannath’s bathing ceremony, till his return from the Gundicha Temple, lasts for 25-26 days, nearly the same as the Opet festival of Karnak and Luxor. The worship of Amun was established in Egypt after the beginning of the New Kingdom in c.1550 BCE. This implies that an entire pantheon deities, along with associated rites rituals and customs, was transferred from India to Egypt prior to c.1550 BCE. What could have led to this?

The information from a gamut of historical and archaeological sources suggest that after the cataclysmic events that struck the Indus Valley in c.1900 BCE, there was an emigration of various Vedic tribes in different directions. One of these migrating Vedic tribes were the Kushites (referred to as "Meluhha-Kasi" in the Sumerian inscriptons). The Kushites captured power in Babylon in c. 1800 BCE, and finally settled in Ethiopia, which was known as the land of Kush.

During this time i.e. around c.1700 BCE, the Egyptian pharaohs were in exile in Ethiopia, having been defeated and driven out of Egypt by the Hyksos conquerors. The Egyptian pharoahs Kamose and Ahmose took the financial and military help of the Kushites, and evicted the Hyksos from Egypt after 200 years of occupation. During this time, the pharaohs Kamose and Ahmose had fought under the banner of their new-found god: Amun. This event, which took place at around 1550 BC, signified the beginning of the 18th dynasty, which is acknowledged as the greatest royal family of Egypt. Subsequently, Amun became the supreme protector god of the monarchy and the state and magnificent temple complexes dedicated to Amun were established in Karnak and Luxor.

The Kushites also migrated into India from the Indus Valley, and took the worship of Jagannath (Krishna) to many places in India, including Puri.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

0 Medha Suktha

[Medha Suktha is an ode to the capacity of clear understandings. Medha can be also translated as genius. This medha Suktha is a part of Mahanarayana Upanishad. There seems to be Medha Sukthas in Rig Veda and Atharva Veda also. I have taken this Suktha text from the book by RL Kashyap (2007) Veda Manthras and Sukthas and published by Aurobindo Kapali Shasthri Institute of Vedic Culture, Bangalore.]

Devi jushamana na aagath,
Viswachi bhadra sumanasyamana,
Thvaya jushta jushamana dhurookthan,
Brahad vadema vidardhe suveera.

Let the goddess of intellect come here with happiness,
She is everywhere and has a happy frame of mind,
May we who were grief stricken, before she came,
Become greatly intelligent and know the ultimate.

THwaya jushtaa rishir bhavathi devi,
Thwaya brahmagath srirutha thwaya,
Thwaya jushtaschithramvindathe vasu,
Sa no jushasva dravinena medhe.

By your grace one becomes a saint,
One becomes learned, one becomes rich,
Showered by your grace one gets different kinds of wealth,
And so goddess of wealth, give us wealth and intellect.

Medham ma indro dadathu,
Medham devi Saraswathi.
Medam may ashvinou ubhavadathaam,

Let Indra give me intelligence,
Let Saraswathi give me intelligence,
Let the Aswini Kumaras support my intelligence,
For they wear the garlands of lotuses.

Aapsaraasu cha ya medha,
Gandharveshu cha yan mana,
Devi medha Saraswathi,
Sa mam medha surabhir jushtaam

Apsaras posses intelligence,
Gandarwas possess intelligence,
Goddess of intelligence is Saraswathi,
Let the intelligence spread like fragrance
I offer you without any reservations.*
* Svaha is the wife of fire God. We give offerings to her and she gives it to fire, who gives it to devas.

Aa maam mesha surabhir viswa roopa,
Hiranya varna jagathi jaamya,
OOrjaswathi payasaa pinvamaanaa,
Sa maam medha suprathika jushtaam.

Intelligence is glorious in form and is like nectar,
Intelligence is golden and pervades the entire universe,
Intelligence is powerful and is sought after continuously,
Let it come to me with love and favour me.

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